Jad Limcaco

About The Author

Jad Limcaco Former editor in chief of Designinformer.

Wallpaper of the Week - Love Color

This is the seventh edition of Wallpaper of the Week here at Design Informer. The wallpaper for this week is entitled Love Color. I designed this wallpaper about 3 months ago for my personal use. I was trying to do something creative with a quote by John Ruskin and decided to make a wallpaper that exhibited a lot of color.

This is the seventh edition of Wallpaper of the Week here at Design Informer. The wallpaper for this week is entitled Love Color. I designed this wallpaper about 3 months ago for my personal use. I was trying to do something creative with a quote by John Ruskin and decided to make a wallpaper that exhibited a lot of color.

Love Color

Love Color


Wallpaper Resolutions:

Production & Process

"The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most."
-John Ruskin

I found this quote interesting so I decided that it would make for a good wallpaper. I quickly opened up Adobe Photoshop and got to work. I started with some wavy shapes that I colored purple. I decided to duplicate this shape into different layers and I painfully rotated them into place to fill the entire canvas. I also changed the colors on some of the layers. For the text, I decided to use Rockwell as the main font.

I really like the kinetic typography style so I decided to layout the text based on that style. I was pleased with the final result and this wallpaper actually stayed as my desktop wallpaper for over 3 weeks.

Quick Summary

  • Estimated time: 1.5 hours
  • Font: Rockwell
  • Tools: Adobe Photoshop
  • Total Layers Used: 72








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