Jad Limcaco

About The Author

Jad Limcaco Former editor in chief of Designinformer.

Wallpaper of the Week - Desire and Disparity

This is the fifth edition of Wallpaper of the Week here at Design Informer. This week's wallpaper is entitled Desire and Disparity. The wallpaper was designed by an up-and-coming designer from Sweden, Tobias Ahlin. This is a personal wallpaper exploring extreme contrasts with colors and feelings.

This is the fifth edition of Wallpaper of the Week here at Design Informer. This week's wallpaper is entitled Desire and Disparity. The wallpaper was designed by an up-and-coming designer from Sweden, Tobias Ahlin. This is a personal wallpaper exploring extreme contrasts with colors and feelings.

Desire and Disparity



Wallpaper Resolutions:

Production & Process

This is what Tobias had to say about the creation of the wallpaper.

After deciding on the concept, I made a rough sketch in Photoshop to base the composition on. The hunt for photos of hands began, and after collecting quite a few I cut them out and placed them into the composition. The fire was created mainly by warping pictures of flames into the shapes I desired. A 3D heart stock by Shoofly-stock was brought in and manipulated to create the heart. I used Apophysis to create abstract renders which I used to create motion and texture in the background. Pixelmator was used to create some final touches, which was brought back into Photoshop for final composite.

Quick Summary

  • Estimated time: 20 hours
  • Client: Self-initiated
  • Tools: Wacom, Photoshop, Apophysis, Pixelmator

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