Today’s desktop wallpaper collection is all about horror. Wallpaper can convey the depths of emotion and feeling and whatever you want them to convey. You will always find a wallpaper to express your feeling or mood. It’s always nice to refresh your perspective with some inspirational, elegant, stylish and beautiful wallpaper.
There are so many resources for beautiful and inspiring wallpapers that are pleasing to the eye, but we are bringing you something different. We have hand-picked some creepy horror wallpapers that are very likely to scare you. This collection provides you with 100 beautiful horror wallpapers that are perfect to spice up your desktop with some dark, scary and creepy atmosphere. You have any suggestions for other wallpapers? Share them in the comments to this post!
You may want to check out the following related posts:
- Horror, Morbid and Mystic Art Pictures
- Bizarre Surreal and Dark Art Pictures
Bloody Scary Horror Wallpapers
Ghost Rider

The Vampire II

The Exorcist

Dead Sparrow

A Nightmare On Elm Street

Bloody drama




The Vampire

The Explosion

The Punisher

Horror Wallpaper

Skin Walkers

Death Skull

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

When I Say




Bloody Memories

The Flower

The Black Cat

Mother V: Blood

Poze Horror Desktop Wallpaper

Dark Forest


The Crow

Scare the F*ck Out


Malice Wallpaper



Dark Ghost

Master Of Fire

Eye Horror

The Butterfly

The Knife

Bleeding Angel

Corrosive Mentor

Goodbye Wallpaper Pack

The Ruins wallpaper

Gothic Abstract

Carnival of Horror

Horror Wallpaper

Bleeding Evil Angel Wallpaper

Sharp Teeth

Gun & Head


Bloody Mask

Horror Wallpaper



Clive Barker’s Jericho Wallpaper

Emely’s Playground

Dead Silence wallpaper

Dark Surgery

Red Moon

Gothic Wallpaper

Gate Keeper

Conserve Them

Dorian Cleavenger Razorback

Product-Based Horror Wallpapers
HBO Horror Movie

Tamayo Museum: Hands

Snickers: Mr Smith

Telefónica Movistar: Skeletons

Brantano Shoe City: Chewing gum

Handan: Bangle

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Elsa Lanchester Wallpaper

McDonald’s: Baby Ronald

Further resources
- 100 Illustrated Horror Film Posters
- Horror Movie Wallpapers
- Horror Wallpapers
Related posts
You may want to check out the following related posts:
- Horror, Morbid and Mystic Art Pictures
- Bizarre Surreal and Dark Art Pictures