Andrew Gibson

About The Author

Andrew Gibson Andrew Gibson is a photographer and writer. He runs Magical Places Fine Art, an online photography magazine and another great photography resource.

40 Amazing Online Photography Magazines

Whatever country we live in, we're probably all familiar with the well-known photography magazines available in our newsagents and bookstores. The UK has Practical Photography, France has Photo, the Italians have Zoom and the Americans have American Photo. What you may not know is that there are many more photography magazines that are only available online. And some of them are good, very...

Whatever country we live in, we’re probably all familiar with the well-known photography magazines available in our newsagents and bookstores. The UK has Practical Photography, France has Photo, the Italians have Zoom and the Americans have American Photo. What you may not know is that there are many more photography magazines that are only available online. And some of them are good, very good.

That’s the great thing about online publishing. It’s cheap, it’s easy, and just about anyone with a PC and an internet connection can take part. The difficulty lies in putting together a quality publication, something that rivals the best commercial magazines for content and quality (we hope you think that Smashing Magazine just does that!)

As an introduction to the wonderful world of online photography magazines, we put together a list of the biggest and best that we could find. You won’t find these magazines in your local bookstore, they’re only available online. From photojournalism to portraiture, from landscapes to lomography (and everything in between), you’ll find the most amazing photography and discover the work of some of the world’s best photographers, both famous and unknown. Dive in and enjoy their work.

Amazing Online Photography Magazines

The 37th Frame Dedicated to bringing the best photojournalism on the internet to its readers.
Online Photography Magazine

Positive Magazine It’s in Italian, but the photos are amazing.

Online Photography Magazine

The Big Picture News stories in photographs. Updated regularly.

Online Photography Magazine

ePHOTOzine The UK’s largest and friendliest online photography magazine.

Online Photography Magazine

Flak Photo Flak Photo celebrates the art of exhibiting quality photography from an international community of contributors online.

Online Photography Magazine

Blue Eyes Magazine An online photography magazine dedicated to publishing long-term documentary work.

Online Photography Magazine

Social Documentary Features documentary photography from around the world - images and words exploring the human condition.

Online Photography Magazine

Lunatic Creative contemporary photojournalism.

Online Photography Magazine

MakingRoom A magazine about the process of making art and photography.

Online Photography Magazine

F-Stop Features contemporary photography from established and upcoming photographers.

Online Photography Magazine

Vewd A documentary photography magazine continuing the tradtion of telling stories through a visual medium. Dedicated to photo essays from up and coming photographers.

Online Photography Magazine

Enter The online magazine of World Press Photo.

Online Photography Magazine

The Digital Journalist The monthly online magazine for visual photojournalism.

Online Photography Magazine

Apogee Photo Online photography magazine designed to inform and entertain photographers of all ages.

Online Photography Magazine

Chambre Noire French online photography magazine - if you don’t speak French just enjoy the photos.

Online Photography Magazine

Nature Photographers The online magazine of the Nature Photographers Network.

Online Photography Magazine

Lens Culture Lens Culture is an online magazine celebrating international contemporary photography, art, media, and world cultures.

Online Photography Magazine

File Magazine A collection of unexpected photography.

Online Photography Magazine

Pixels and Prose An online magazine and community dedicated to the art and science of photography.

Online Photography Magazine

Zone Zero Excellent online photography magazine based in Mexico City.

Online Photography Magazine

Travel Photographers Network The online photography magazine of the Travel Photographers Network

Online Photography Magazine

Colours Magazine Colours Magazine is an online photography magazine showcasing the work of both established and upcoming photographers from around the world.

Online Photography Magazine

Deep Sleep A brand new quartely online photography magazine from the UK.

Online Photography Magazine

See Saw An online photography magazine dedicatd to work that successfully captures, represents and encourages acute observation, via the photographic medium.

Online Photography Magazine

Visual Candies The new Photography Webzine. Promoting emerging photographers and understanding their work. Photos from Flickr.

Online Photography Magazine

Creative Lens Lots and lots of wonderful photography articles.

Online Photography Magazine

Camera Arts

Online Photography Magazine

Purpose Excellent online photography magazine from France.

Online Photography Magazine

Fraction An alternative outlet for publishing work by new and established photographers.

Online Photography Magazine

Our Eyes Photography Our Eyes specialises in people photography: artistic nudes, portraits, self-portraits, people and fashion.

Online Photography Magazine

Photo Eye General interest photography magazine with lots of great photography articles and book reviews.

Online Photography Magazine

Photoblogs Magazine Photoblogs Magazine’s aim is to showcase the best photography to be found around the web in photoblogs. The magazine hasn’t been updated for some time but the past issues are well worth checking out.

Online Photography Magazine

Wedpix Magazine The online magazine of the Wedding Photojournalists Association. The magazine is aimed at wedding photojournalists and anyone else interested in applying photojournalis techniques to wedding photography.

Online Photography Magazine

Ahorn Magazine An online magazine dedicated to contemporary photography.

Online Photography Magazine

1000 Words Photography 1000 Words is dedicated to highlighting the best of contemporary fine art photography in the UK and beyond.

Online Photography Magazine

Photography BB Magazine An excellent photography magazine aimed at beginner to intermediate photographers. Issues can be downloaded in either PDF or ZIP formats.

Online Photography Magazine

Home Photography Magazine Canadian general interest downloadable photography magazine.

Online Photography Magazine

Mooncruise Magazine Dedicated to promoting you and your work.

Online Photography Magazine

Arriba Magazine Downloadable magazine featuring both photography and illustrations.

Online Photography Magazine

Bokeh Magazine Mexican photography magazine, downloadable in PDF format. It’s in Spanish, but you can look at the photos.

Online Photography Magazine

VII VII Photo Agency present the most recent and best work of their photographers in their online magazine.

Online Photography Magazine

Bulb Magazine Brings the work of creative, but lesser known, photographers to a wide audience.

Online Photography Magazine

Snap Magazine Aims to showcase some of the best photography and photo manipulation, articles and tutorials.

Online Photography Magazine

Pixel Press PixelPress encourages documentary photographers, writers, filmmakers, artists, human rights workers and students to explore the world in ways that take advantage of the new possibilities provided by digital media.

Online Photography Magazine

Everywhere Mag A brilliant travel magazine relying on user submissions from the publishers of JPG Mag. They published a few issues of this magazine but since mid 2008 it has just been an online magazine.

Online Photography Magazine

Cultures on the Edge Dynamic quarterly magazine dedicated to supporting cultural diversity through education.

Online Photography Magazine

Last Click

Burn Magazine Burn Magazine is an evolving journal for emerging photographers, the brainchild of Magnum photographer David Alan Harvey. As you’d expect from a photographer of this calibre, the magazine is excellent.
Online Photography Magazine


You’ve read the online photography magazines, now check out some of the best print versions.

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