We love beautiful photography. In photos, the beauty isn't necessarily reflected in an eye-catching combination of colors; perspectives, angle, composition and, most importantly, the idea behind the shot or the situation in which the shot was taken, are particularly important when it comes for our showcases.
Over the last months we have covered a variety of different photography arts, such...
We love beautiful photography. In photos, the beauty isn’t necessarily reflected in an eye-catching combination of colors; perspectives, angle, composition and, most importantly, the idea behind the shot or the situation in which the shot was taken, are particularly important when it comes for our showcases.
Over the last months we have covered a variety of different photography arts, such as shadow photography, night photography, city photography, arial photography, urban decay and many others (you can find them in our section Inspiration). This time we present you a “mixed bag” of some truly outstanding photos and images, created by talented photographers and designers across the globe.
Below you’ll find 35 truly stunning, beautiful and unusual photos. Every image is linked and leads to the source from which it was taken. Please feel free to explore further works of the talented photographers presented above.
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35 (Really) Stunning Photos and Pictures
María A.C. (ernieland)
Divya (Diamondee)
Sarah Lee
Akhilesh Sharma
Ahmed Shiham
Dominic Kamp
Si Micklewright (
Dieter Schaefer
Janusz Leszczynski
Carlos Pardo
Miguel (miguelyn)
Dan Barron
The Beach
Land Nick
Jorge Sato
Clark Little
Frank Daske
“The rooftop pattern reminds me on a painting by Paul Klee, I’ve loved once. So, for me, it has a meaning. And for you?”
Simon Shareef
Hubble Space Telescope
“In January 2002, a dull star in an obscure constellation suddenly became 600,000 times more luminous than our Sun, temporarily making it the brightest star in our galaxy. The star is called V838 Monocerotis.”
Perico Terrades
In Cherl Kim (South Korea)
Aubrey (Aubirdy)
Nejdet Düzen
Brad Harris
John Kirkwood
Majed Sultan Ali
Indah Susanti
Joel (photo61guy)
Jill Buschlen
Daniel Cheong
Claudia Domenig
Dave Alexander
Azzam Merchant
Steven (merriewells)
John Carleton
Jaime Fernandez
5348 Franco AWAY
Gavin Will
Mayela Fabbiani
Phil Warner
Last Click
Rosie Hardy
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