Steven Snell

About The Author

Steven Snell Steven Snell is a Web designer and blogger. In addition to maintaining his own blog and writing for a number of other top design blogs, he also manages an online shop that offers premium graphic design resources.

Drupal Developer's Toolbox

After publishing the recent WordPress Developer’s Toolbox, there were several Drupal developers calling out for equal coverage. In this post you will find a thorough collection of all kinds of resources that will aid designers and developers working with Drupal-powered websites. This collection is intended to simplify your tasks and save you time when working with Drupal. This post...

After publishing the recent WordPress Developer’s Toolbox, there were several Drupal developers calling out for equal coverage. In this post you will find a thorough collection of all kinds of resources that will aid designers and developers working with Drupal-powered websites. This collection is intended to simplify your tasks and save you time when working with Drupal.

This post covers essential resources related to Drupal — the basics, modules, Drupal design inspiration, Drupal themes, tutorials, starter themes, blog editors and Drupal-projects.

1. The Basics

Just getting started with Drupal? Looking for some general resources to have bookmarked for when you need them? These resources will help you cover the basics of Drupal and provide documentation for much of your future work with the platform. The Drupal home page and location for downloading the latest version.


Drupal Handbooks If you’re new to Drupal or just looking to learn something new, this is a collection of helpful handbooks to keep at your side. A good place to start if you’re new to Drupal (written for Drupal 5).

Theme Developer’s Cheat Sheet (for Drupal 5) A helpful PDF that you may want to refer to from time to time.


Drupal API Reference Get everything you need concerning the API from the official API reference.


Drupal Taxonomy, Drupal Nodes and Other Terms - What Do They Mean? Confused by some of the terms you’re reading about Drupal development? This post may clear some of that up.

Drupal Code Search A helpful resource for developers. You’ll be able to search the source code of thousands of Drupal modules and themes.


Drupal Whitepapers, Cheat Sheets and Free Books This post is a collection of other useful resources that may interest you. Some of them are written for older versions of Drupal.


WordPress vs. Drupal When should you use WordPress and when should you use Drupal?


2. Modules

Drupal developers and users alike need to be familiar with modules (plug-ins). There are countless modules available for a wide variety of purposes. The collection here includes some basic resources for working with modules, and also some links to various popular and useful modules. Drupal Modules The main page for finding available modules, according to category.
Core Modules Get the documentation on the modules that ship with Drupal core. A community-powered rating and review service dedicated to helping you find the best Drupal modules for your project. Drupal e-Commerce An open-source package of modules to help you set up an e-commerce website with Drupal.
Nice Menus If you’re looking for an easy way to create drop-down or expandable menus, try Nice Menus.

Screenshot TinyMCE This module integrates Moxiecode’s popular TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor into a Drupal website for editing advanced website content. Front Page This module makes it possible for users to show a different front page or splash page to visitors. Clean URLs If you’re creating Drupal websites, you’ll want to be able to create friendly URLs. This module can help. FlashVideo FlashVideo will expand the upload module to accommodate video uploads, plus it will automatically convert it to Flash format. Content Construction Kit (CCK) CCK allows you to add custom fields to nodes using a Web browser. Global Redirect Help your website’s SEO with Global Redirect, which makes some subtle, but important, redirects. Webform Easily create contact forms, questionnaires, registration forms, surveys and polls with Webforms. Module Developer’s Guide If you plan on developing modules, this is a must-read resource that will get you started.

3. Drupal Design Inspiration

When working on a Drupal-powered website, you may find it helpful and inspiring to see what others are doing with Drupal. Fortunately, there are some great resources for showing off the work of other designers. The best source of Drupal design inspiration, with over 2,000 websites being showcased.
DrupalSN A social network to showcase Drupal-powered websites.
Dries Buytaert The blog of Dries Buytaert includes a number of inspirational Drupal websites.
31 Remarkable Drupal Powered Websites Earlier this year, Six Revisions published a mini-gallery of inspirational Drupal websites.

4. Themes

Whether you’re looking for free themes to customize, premium themes to take your projects to the next level or places to distribute your own themes, the Drupal community has several options available. Themes at includes a gallery of free themes that are available for download.
OSSKINS A marketplace of Drupal and WordPress themes, both free and premium.
All Drupal Themes Nine free themes to choose from.
Top Notch Themes Sells themes for Drupal 5 and 6.
20 Great 2-Column Drupal Themes A nice collection put together by Mashable.
20 Great 3-Column Drupal Themes If three-column themes are what you’re after, Mashable has another collection for you.

5. Tutorials

The Drupal community provides plenty of tutorials to teach you just about anything you want to learn about development with Drupal. Here is a categorized list of some excellent tutorials.

5.1 Developing Themes

How to Make a Drupal Theme This tutorial will explain the basic files that make up a Drupal theme and will help you code your first theme.
Drupal Theming for Designers This is another tutorial that looks at the basics of building a Drupal theme and the files that are involved.
Create a Killer Band Site with Drupal: A Six-Part Tutorial Series An awesome, in-depth tutorial from GoMediaZine that takes you the whole way through by building an example website for a band.
From HTML Mockup to a Full Drupal Site: A Tutorial - Part I: Introduction and Installation This is the first of a three-part series on taking a design from mock-up to fully-functional Drupal theme. Also see Part II: Site Setup, Content and Modules, Part III: Template Theming, Integration and Finishing Touches

5.2 Modules

How to Install/Enable Drupal Modules If you’re a Drupal developer, chances are you’re familiar with installing modules. If you’re a new Drupal developer, here is a basic tutorial.
Drupal’s Forum Module A look at how you can avoid duplicate content when using the forum module.
Turn a Plain Jane HTML Template into a Drupal Theme with the Theme Generator Module Instructions for using the theme generator module, which may save you a lot of time in development.

5.3 Performance

Scaling Drupal - An Open-Source Infrastructure for High-Traffic Drupal Sites For those developing larger websites, scaling will often be a concern. This tutorial goes through some of the things you can do to help Drupal’s performance under pressure.
Improving Drupal’s Page Loading Performance Looking to speed up a Drupal website? Try following these steps.

5.4 Taxonomy

Taxonomy: A Way to Organize Content Learn how to better organize your content and use vocabularies, terms, menus and more.
Drupal Taxonomy Tutorial An introduction on how to use Drupal’s taxonomy system.

5.5 SEO

Basic Drupal SEO: On-Site Optimization SEO should be a consideration for any developer, and this post takes a look at how it applies specifically to Drupal-powered websites.
Drupal SEO: How Duplicate Content Hurts Drupal Sites Learn about a few potential areas of duplicate content and how you can solve the problem.
Drupal and Robots.txt A look at some customizations that can be made to the standard Drupal robots.txt file.

5.6 Forums and Wikis

Private forums in Drupal: Forum Access vs. Taxonomy Access vs. Taxonomy Access Control Lite If you want to take Drupal a bit further and use it to power a forum, read this tutorial.
How to Create a Wiki with Drupal This post takes you through the basic steps of setting up your own wiki.

5.7 Galleries

How to Make a Photo Gallery with Thumbnails in Drupal A 10-step process for setting up a simple photo gallery.
How to Build Flickr in Drupal This tutorial will show you how to build a Flickr clone powered by Drupal. (Note: this tutorial is 2 years old, but still interesting.)

5.8 Navigation

Tutorial on Basic Nav, Hierarchy Nav, Blogroll, Separate Blocks for Nav for Newbies Effective navigation is key to any website. Here are some Drupal-specific tips for improved navigation.
Theming Drupal Primary Links with Child Sub-Menus A simple tutorial for improving the navigation on your website.

5.9 General Tips

50 Drupal Tips and Tricks A nice, big collection of quick tips on theming, development, JavaScript and more.
45 Screencasts to Get You Kicking Ass with Drupal This post contains links to screencasts on a variety of subjects on working with Drupal.
Take Control of Your Drupal Theme Learn how to use a custom front page, a stand-alone log-in page and more.

5.10 Other Tutorials

Customising the User Profile Layout A useful tutorial if you want to use Drupal to build an online community. Creating a Custom Homepage in Drupal Using Views On many projects, you may want to use a custom home page. This tutorial takes a look at a solution.

6. Drupal Starter Themes

Starter themes can save you a lot of time in development by eliminating some of the common tasks that you do with each new theme you create. If you’re always starting from scratch or customizing an existing theme, give a starter theme a shot and see if it improves your workflow and productivity. Zen
Blueprint Blueprint is a starter Drupal theme meant to make development of custom themes faster; alternative: Zengine Starter Blueprint Grid Theme

7. Blog Editors

BlogJet BlogJet is a Windows blog client for managing multiple blogs. The cost is £29.95.


BlogDesk A popular free offline editor that supports a number of blogging platforms, including Drupal.

8. Projects Related to Drupal

Ubercart If you’re building an e-commerce website, Ubercart is an open-source solution that fully integrates your online store with Drupal.

Acquia Acquia is dedicated to making Drupal more useful for developers by providing value-added software products and services. One of their projects, Carbon, focuses on social publishing applications and making it easier to develop community-oriented websites.



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