Vitaly Friedman

About The Author

Vitaly Friedman Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. Vitaly is writer, speaker, author and editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine. He runs responsive Web design workshops, online workshops and loves solving complex UX, front-end and performance problems in large companies. Get in touch.

Creative Workplaces

Your workplace and the atmosphere surrounding you determine the way you work and explore your imagination. The more inspirational your workplace is, the easier it is to break the creativity block and discover new ideas. And apparently there is a number of things you can do to improve your personal workflow. As a part of our Monday Inspiration series we present a dozen of creative and unusual...

Your workplace and the atmosphere surrounding you determine the way you work and explore your imagination. The more inspirational your workplace is, the easier it is to break the creativity block and discover new ideas. And apparently there is a number of things you can do to improve your personal workflow.

As a part of our Monday Inspiration series we present a dozen of creative and unusual workplaces; in the end of the post you'll also find references to related resources, among them office design galleries and Flickr pools. They can serve as an inspiration once you've decided to spice up your work environment.

You can also click on the images — they lead to the sites from which the screenshots have been taken.

Inspirational Workplaces




The Milk desk: a design to match Apple gear; with white surface and rounded edges. As Alexander Kjerulf states, "it lowers and raises electrically, it has ways to hide the cable clutter, and it also has four compartments at one end that can be configured for storage, trash or, em, as an aquarium."


Pixar's workplace: designers are allowed to design their workplace as they wish.



Google offers its engineers and developers full freedom. Not only bicycles can be found in the offices; also cats and dogs are quite usual.






D1 Creative


References and Further Resources

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