In most designs typography is used to present information in a rather static way — after all, it has to be read by users. However, it doesn’t have to be like this. What effects can be achieved if typography is set in motion? What happens if letters are suddenly floating, jumping and dancing around while sentences are actually interacting with the readers?
Where motion is involved, video is necessary. Below we present some excellent examples of typography embedded into movies and videos — be prepared, “dynamic” typography can be breathtaking.
Typography In Motion
Cuarteto de Nos This music video of the Spanish Uruguayan band Cuarteto de Nos is mostly based upon typography. For our purposes it isn’t important what the song is actually about — the brilliant performance of typography makes a lasting impression. The colors are chosen wisely and carefully. The combination of letters, illustration and text effects is simply incredible. A must-see for typography lovers.Alex Gopher - The Child A video created by Antoine Bardou-Jacquet for the French DJ Alex Gopher. A world made only with typography. Cult video for fonts lovers and graphic designers.
The Hush Sound - The Lions Roar So simple, yet so beautiful. Apparently, sometimes you just need to follow your inspiration. The rest isn’t that important.
Pulp Fiction in Typography What Does Mr. Wallace Look Like?
Typographics Typography is what language looks like. A brief movie about typography with interacting typographic elements.
Duck and Cover Typography assignment using audio from an old public service announcement called “Duck and Cover” from the 50s.
Further Resources
- Court.TV A typographic intro.
- Typography In Music Videos A growing collection of music videos based upon different typography techniques.
- Citizen Cope - Let The Drummer Kick A typographic animation of Citizen Cope's song "Let the Drummer Kick".