The Halloween is coming. The preparations are running. Pumpkins are being carved. And skeletons are being packed out from the closets. Since you probably want to set a perfect mood for your coming Halloween party, you might want to set up the party on your weblog as well. So if you are planning on some little redesign you might need some Halloween icons. Besides, what is the Halloween without a scary Halloween wallpaper on your desktop or some fancy decoration for your laptop?
To help you to set the scary mood we’ve decided to present some of the most beautiful wallpapers, icons, Halloween art works, modding methods, costumes, recipes and tutorials for your tuesday’s party. Furthermore we’d like you to collect the best Halloween logos you’ll find in the Web over the next week and you can change the Smashing Magazine logo as well.
Please notice that all images can be clicked.
Halloween Wallpapers
Halloween Icons
Halloween Art
Halloween How-To
Learn how to…
- …make your own Mac O’Lantern…
- …create a perfect “Halloweenish” PC modding:
- …create a perfect “Halloweenish” Mac modding:
- …create a perfect “Halloweenish” Laptop modding:
- …prepare a perfect Halloween dinner:
- …prepare tasty Halloween snacks:
- …ensure a perfect Halloween spirit:
- …create a little paper doll skeleton:
- …create a really extreme pumpkin:
- …find a pretty scary game:
- …tune your Firefox with Halloween Add-Ons:
<li>...find more Halloween products: <a rel="nofollow" href="">Halloween Products</a></p></li>