Sven Lennartz

About The Author

Sven Lennartz Sven is the co-founder and former CEO of Smashing Magazine. He’s now writing at his Conterest Blog, where he focuses on blogs, content strategy and publishing — all in German.

Inspiration Package: 50 Usable & Elegant Designs

We all love beautiful, usable and impressive web designs. To achieve them, web developers need to focus on many aspects, but basically it all boils down to the question, how well the content is presented and how easily the information can be perceived. Harmonic color schemes are as important as solid and consistent typography. Precise visual structure and intuitive navigation are essential for...

We all love beautiful, usable and impressive web designs. To achieve them, web developers need to focus on many aspects, but basically it all boils down to the question, how well the content is presented and how easily the information can be perceived. Harmonic color schemes are as important as solid and consistent typography. Precise visual structure and intuitive navigation are essential for both usability and accessibility. In fact, mostly it’s a keen attention to small details which gives web-sites a profound and enduring nature.

We’ve selected some more of them. Over 60 elegant, usable and impressive designs with a well thought-out color scheme, typography and visual structure. Their beauty lies in the way the information is presented. Their usability lies in the way they communicate presented data. That’s what makes them different.

Next week we’ll present the .pdf-version of this showcase. You might be willing to check out further showcasese we’ve presented before - you’ll find the links at the bottom of the article.

Inspiration Package: 50 Elegant and Usable Designs

  1. 31Three
  2. Beautiful Designs - 31Three - The Design Studio of Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain
  3. North x East
  4. Beautiful Designs - 12 Ways to Turn a Boring Post into Pure Gold at Weekly Articles About Blogging - NxE
  6. Beautiful Designs - - technology, web development and entrepreneurship
  7. Oaktree Creative
  8. Beautiful Designs - Oaktree Creative: The pixels, prose and portfolio of Chuck Mallott
  9. CodeIgniter
  10. Beautiful Designs - CodeIgniter - Open source PHP web application framework
  11. WebRevolutionary
  12. Beautiful Designs - WebRevolutionary — The semi-coherent ramblings of a web addict.
  13. Pop Labs
  14. Beautiful Designs - Search Marketing and Social Media Consulting - Pop Labs - Pop Labs

  15. Creative Binge
  16. Beautiful Designs - Creative Binge - Online Creative Portfolios
  17. Designwise Studios
  18. Beautiful Designs - Designwise Studios ~ Accessible, Simple, and Elegant Web Solutions
  19. Mike McFarlane Landscape Photography
  20. Beautiful Designs - Welcome - Mike McFarlane Landscape Photography
  21. Pearsonified
  22. Beautiful Designs - Best Damn Blog on the Planet — Pearsonified
  23. BlogMinistry
  24. Beautiful Designs - BlogMinistry

  25. html life
  26. Beautiful Designs - html life

  27. Devlounge
  28. Beautiful Designs - Devlounge : A resource for designers and developers
  29. Putput Comunicacions
  30. Beautiful Designs - Putput Comunicacions
  31. Savana webhosting
  32. Beautiful Designs - Savana webhosting - levný hosting s pohodlnou administrací

  33. Stoodeo
  34. Beautiful Designs - Website Development Services - Stoodeo

  35. Koder
  36. Beautiful Designs - Kodér - Domů | Vy designujete, my kódujeme do posledního detailu
  37. Tappity: Mobile Homepage
  38. Beautiful Designs - Tappity: Mobile Homepage
  39. WorkOne Central
  40. Beautiful Designs - WorkOne Central
  41. Rifidi | Software Defined RFID
  42. Beautiful Designs - Rifidi | Software Defined RFID
  43. Pixel House
  44. Beautiful Designs - Gold Coast Web Site Design - Pixel House
  45. ~ VEDA ~ Healthy Indian Takeout & Eatery
  46. Beautiful Designs - ~ VEDA ~ Healthy Indian Takeout & Eatery
  47. Gaby Lopez
  48. Beautiful Designs - Gaby Lopez
  49. Versions - Mac Subversion Client
  50. Beautiful Designs - Versions - Mac Subversion Client
  51. Ted Lermontov
  52. Beautiful Designs - Ted Lermontov : Web Designer
  53. Pozycjonowanie INHEAD Krakow
  54. Beautiful Designs - Pozycjonowanie INHEAD Kraków

  55. Sonze
  56. Beautiful Designs - Sonze
  57. Corporate Image
  58. Beautiful Designs - Corporate Image – Logo, Graphic Design, Website Development, Web Marketing Consultant, Melbourne, Sydney, Australia
  59. Frazier Media
  60. Beautiful Designs - Frazier Media
  61. KellerAdv
  62. Beautiful Designs - KellerAdv - Agenzia di Pubblicità  - Comunicazione - Marketing - Latina

  64. Beautiful Designs - : Tim Sears' blog and personal site of web and .NET development.
  65. Erratic Wisdom
  66. Beautiful Designs - Erratic Wisdom
  67. Design View / Andy Rutledge
  68. Beautiful Designs - Design View / Andy Rutledge

  69. Waggener Edstrom Worldwide
  70. Beautiful Designs - Home | Waggener Edstrom Consumer Group | Waggener Edstrom Worldwide


  71. EMS | Matthew Soriano
  72. Beautiful Designs - EMéS | The online portfolio of Matthew Soriano
  73. anixstudio.
  74. Beautiful Designs - anixstudio.
  75. Blues Sklep
  76. Beautiful Designs - Blues Sklep – Live Blues and Jazz music
  78. Beautiful Designs - - Main >
  79. sr28 Web Design
  80. Beautiful Designs - sr28 Web Design, Houston based Web Designer and Illustrator Simon Reynolds

    Remarkable Designs

  81. Warpspire
  82. Beautiful Designs - Warpspire: Web, Design and Code Geekery

  83. The 5th Avenue Theatre
  84. Beautiful Designs - Welcome to The 5th Avenue Theatre
  85. The Knowledge Well
  86. Beautiful Designs - The Knowledge Well
  87. Palm, Inc.
  88. Beautiful Designs - Palm, Inc., Your Destination for Handhelds, Mobile Managers, Smartphones, Accessories and Software Titles
  89. Design
  90. Beautiful Designs - Design | Dion's Weblog 3.0 | Weblog of Dion Kesling. Designer in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  91. FreeSwell Studios
  92. Beautiful Designs - FreeSwell Studios | Creative, Web Design and Development, Kailua Honolulu Oahu Hawaii
  93. Knoxville Life Church
  94. Beautiful Designs - Knoxville Life Church

  95. Footnote
  96. Beautiful Designs - Footnote - The place for original documents online
  97. FF Maria Raisenmarkt
  98. Beautiful Designs - FF Maria Raisenmarkt ||
  100. Beautiful Designs - | Effective Web Applications & Rapidweaver Themes

    Flash Designs

  101. Made by Mark Dearman
  102. Beautiful Designs - Made by Mark Dearman

    Further Design Showcases

    You can find more inspiration in the following showcases we’ve published before:
    1. 60 Elegant and Visually Appealing Designs
    2. Keep It Simple, Stupid! - the showcase of simple designs.
    3. 45 Fresh, Clean and Impressive Designs
    4. 30 Beautiful Dark Designs
    5. 50 Beautiful CSS-Based Designs in 2006

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