We continue to collect most beautiful high quality freefonts, which can be used for both private and professional projects without any restrictions whatsoever. They are hard to find, but the search is definitely worth it.
Over the last 30 days we’ve managed to find few oldies such as famous Geo Sans and Mank Sans by Manfred Klein, but also some newbies such as Jos Buivenga’s Diavlo. You might also be interested in further free fonts we’ve presented recently. Before using the font, don’t forget to read the legal agreement carefully. They change from time to time.
If you like this series of articles, please spread the word, so that 1) we know you are interested; 2) many designers as possible can improve the quality of typography on their web-sites.
Freefonts of the Month
Geo Sans Light, by Manfred KleinMank Sans, by Manfred Klein
OT Versa Condensed, by Peter Verheul
Ourtype offers a bonus font of the month. To download the font, click on the “About” item in the left sidebar of this site. Once the horizontal menu has appeared, click on the “Bonus font of the mont” section link in the menu.
Diavlo by Jos Buivenga.
Diavlo is a free font that is a bit square and sharp. Great attention has been given to detail, spacing and kerning. It contains more than 300 glyphs and over 1.300 kerning pairs. Other weights may follow, but for now it’s only regular.
Tuffy, by Thatcher Ulrich
Greyscale Basic, by Greyscale [via Computerlove]
Unibody [pixel font]
Unibody is an optimized screen font family for Macromedia Flash MX and Adobe Photoshop. It’s designed for one point size only, 8 pts.
Any suggestions? Don’t hesitate to comment! We’ll appreciate it. And the community will appreciate it.