We continue to collect most beautiful high quality freefonts, which can be used for both private and professional projects without any restrictions whatsoever. They are hard to find, but the search is definitely worth it.
Over the last 30 days we’ve managed to find few oldies such as famous Geo Sans and Mank Sans by Manfred Klein, but also some newbies such as Jos Buivenga’s Diavlo. You might also be interested in further free fonts we’ve presented recently. Before using the font, don’t forget to read the legal agreement carefully. They change from time to time.
Jos Buivenga, the designer of beautiful typofaces Fontin and Delicious, has released a new freefont, which is called Tallys and can be used for personal and private projects without any restrictions.
Images: josbuivenga.demon.nl.
Tallys is a font that is one degree slanted and has large caps, a small x-height and long ascenders. It comes with hybrid numbers and a complete character set. The Tallys has one weight and comes only in Roman Style, however, Jos might be thinking about adding other weights and an italic later.
The font is available in Mac & PC (Opentype) formats and can be downloaded here for free.