Vitaly Friedman

About The Author

Vitaly Friedman Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. Vitaly is writer, speaker, author and editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine. He runs responsive Web design workshops, online workshops and loves solving complex UX, front-end and performance problems in large companies. Get in touch.

19 More Free Quality Fonts

Almost a year ago I've posted an article called "20 Best Free Quality Fonts" in my blog - a list of fonts, which are likely to be used rather for official, serious presentations (such as business sites) than a colourful teenager’s homepage. I didn't expect something unusual, I didn't think about any traffic problems, provider complaints and negative users' feedback. But, actually, I should,...

Over the last days we’ve decided to take a look at new fonts and choose the most beautiful ones. In fact, many new fonts occured - some of them just weren’t available for download one year ago, some of them were created over the last 12 months.

The results are listed below - the most beautiful fonts, created by the open-source community and free for personal, academic and (sometimes) commercial use. The disclaimers are changing from time to time, so you better first take a close look at disclaimer before using the font in a commercial project. “19 More Best Free Quality Fonts” contains only new fonts. Links checked: May/20 2008 - 3 Fonts deleted).

16 More Best Free Quality Fonts

1. Bitstream Vera Fonts (freeware): Description, Download

Bitstream Vera Fonts
2. Legendum (freeware, OpenType): Description, Download
  1. Garogier (freeware, OpenType): Description, Download
  1. JUnicode (free for personal use only): Description, Download
  1. Computer Modern Unicode Bright (freeware, GNU GPL, X11): Description, Download
Computer Modern Unicode
  1. Computer Modern Unicode Serif (freeware, GNU GPL, X11): Description, Download
Computer Modern Unicode
  1. Computer Modern Unicode Sans Serif (freeware, GNU GPL, X11): Description, Download
Computer Modern Unicode
  1. jGaramond (freeware): Description, Download
  1. Linux Libertine (freeware): Description, Download
Linux Libertine
  1. Porson (freeware): Description, Download

Links for further visiting and reading: